The children go home with their very own game, playable via our Code Camp app (available in the Apple App Store and Google Play).
We use our own "Code Camp World" to teach drag & drop programming. This allows us to focus on the actual logic without overwhelming you with complicated syntax.
Code Camp doesn't end with the last day of camp! You can use the tools from camp at home and keep developing your game.
Your child will love the exciting atmosphere at Code Camp. New friends, creativity and learning programming - all in one!
A "loop" in the world of programming is a request that repeats a certain sequence of instructions until a certain condition is met.
Programmers need loops, for example, to generate different values, to build sums, to repeat functions and for much more. Loops are supported by all modern programming languages, although the syntax can of course vary.
So-called"While" loops and "For" loops are particularly common.
The characters in our games are influenced by gravity just as we are in real life. The children learn how the physics of the real world and its representation in their games are connected.
Variables are values that the computer stores to use later at a given time. For example, the score or the number of lives left in one of our games. If "number of lives = 0", it is of course "Game Over"...
"Events" are actions that trigger certain behaviour in a game. For example, when our characters "collide" with other objects in the game.
An example: when character #1 collides with lava that unfortunately means: "Game Over!".
Our games would be quite boring without animations! The children learn how their figures can move and how to use so-called "sprite sheets", which allow individual animations of the figures (for example, the flapping of a bird's wings).
"Conditions are closely related to variables. Without variables, conditions would not work.
An example? An "if statement" is a simple condition: if score>100, you have won!