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Which Code Camp should I register my child for?
Spark, Ignite, animation, Roblox Legends and Minecraft Engineers are suitable for children aged 7 - 12 years. All other camps are suitable for children aged 8 - 13. In the camps Spark, Ignite, Blast 3D, AR Creators and WebBuilders the focus is on programming, in the camps Animation, Minecraft Engineers and Roblox Legends the focus is more on design. For the advanced camps (Blast 3D, AR Creators, Web Builders) the child must have good reading skills and be confident with the keyboard, as there is a lot of writing in these camps.
My child is only 6 years old, can they visit Code Camp ?
Our age limits are only intended as guidelines. The Spark camp in particular is explicitly aimed at children without any prior knowledge of programming. Only reading and writing at 1st grade level are required to participate and have fun.
My child is 14 years old, can they visit Code Camp ?
Our age limits are intended as guidelines only. We always have older children in Code Camps and would generally recommend Blast 3D, AR Creators or Web Builders. If your child doesn't mind being one of the older ones, they are always welcome.
Can I also pay the camp fees on account (instead of by credit card)?
Yes, this is possible! Please register your child in good time with all the necessary details, including your billing address, by sending an email to You will then receive an invoice from us, which must be paid before the camp starts for the registration to be valid.
How far in advance can I deregister my child?
For reasons of fairness, we ask you to cancel as early as possible if you are unable to attend so that we can give the place to another child. However, we will accept your withdrawal up to and including the first day of the camp. We will also be happy to rebook your child to another location or season if possible.
I wanted to register my child for a camp, but there are no more places. Is there anything I can do?
Please send an e-mail to We may be able to make an additional place available. Otherwise we will be happy to inform you about alternatives.
Can I still rent a computer after I have completed my registration?
If you would still like to rent a device after you have registered, please send an e-mail to
At the camp
From when to when does a Code Camp last?
A camp starts at 10:00 and lasts until 16:00. We welcome the children every day from 09:30 for check-in and they must be collected by 16:30 (exception: parents declare at check-in that their child may go home independently). Different times may apply for courses and special formats.
How many children are in a class?
Class sizes typically vary between 8 and 25 children. We ensure a generous care ratio of at least 1:8 in each class so that all children receive the attention and support they need.
Do the children sit in front of their tablets or laptops all day?
No. We take generous breaks according to the length of the camp, go outside for fresh air whenever possible and ensure that the children get plenty of exercise. The use of computers, cell phones and games consoles is not permitted during breaks.
Do the children go home for lunch?
No. During the breaks, the children remain on the premises under the supervision of our teachers. Accordingly, we ask you to give your children a packed lunch and a water bottle.
What if my child falls ill?
Unfortunately, we do not allow participation in the event of illness. If your child has a cough, fever or other symptoms, please keep them at home and inform us immediately. We will be happy to rebook your child for you if they miss more than one day of the camp.
As a parent, can I stay with my child?
You are welcome to accompany your child to the room in the morning. During the day, however, the children are usually at the camp without their parents.
How does the camp end?
There is a finishing ceremony on the last day at the end of the camp. The children present their results and receive a medal for their successful participation. Parents are cordially invited to this ceremony from 15:30.
Laptops, food and other things to bring
Does my child have to or can they bring their own computer?
In our programming camps (Spark, Ignite, Blast 3D, AR Creators and Web Builders) we need a laptop for programming. You can rent a computer from Code Camp or provide your child with their own device. In the game design camps (Roblox and Minecraft), it is generally intended that your child brings a laptop or tablet. If you do not have your own device, a device can be rented from Code Camp if necessary. The rental of the device is mandatory for our Animation Camp. If you would like to rent a computer after you have registered, please send an email to
What requirements must my own laptop/tablet meet?
The device must have a built-in or attached keyboard; an on-screen keyboard is not sufficient (exception: Roblox Legends and Minecraft Engineers, where a tablet without a keyboard is also possible). A current browser must be installed on the device (we recommend Google Chrome) and the device must be WLAN-capable. A battery life of at least 2 hours is also required, as well as a charging/power cable for during breaks.
What do I need to give my child? Is there food available?
Depending on the season and weather, each child should bring sun protection (cap, cream) or warm clothing or rain protection. Due to possible intolerances and allergies, no food is offered at the camp. We ask parents to bring food (lunch and snacks) and drinks for the whole day.
My child has allergies. Can he/she still take part?
Yes, please make a note of the allergy when registering and, if necessary, provide your child with appropriate emergency medication and written instructions for the teachers. No food will be provided, the children bring their own food.
Camp content and results
What will my child program?
In our camps Spark, Ignite, Blast 3D and AR Creator, children program their own personal game using drag & drop or line coding, which can be played on a cell phone or tablet as well as on a computer. In our Web Builders Camp, the children program their own website on a topic of their choice using HTML, CSS and Java Script. In the Minecraft Engineers camp, children learn to work with Redstone, command blocks and a programming interface in Minecraft Education. At Roblox Legends the children design mini-games within the interactive Buzzy Hive server. In our Animation Camp, the children film and edit a stop-motion film made of Lego in pairs. Further information can be found in the tab "Our camps".
Can my child's project be shared?
Yes, once the Code Camp is complete, we will send you a link to your child's game or project by email. This link can then be used to play the game, visit the website or watch the movie. The exception to this is the Minecraft Engineers camp, where the world file is either saved on your own computer or taken home on a USB stick. With Roblox, the team playcode from the camp must also be shared.
Can my child continue to work at home?
By registering at Code Camp , your child receives unlimited access to Code Camp World. At the programming camps (Spark, Ignite, Blast 3D, AR Creators, Web Builders) they can continue to work there at any time as they wish. At Roblox Legends allows access to the group server for a few days and thus to the building mode of the minigames. After this time, you can still play with the team playcode. For Minecraft Engineers the login is limited to the duration of the camp. To continue working on the world afterwards, you must obtain your own license and then import the world file from the camp. In the Animation Camp, we convert the project into a video (mp4) at the end of the camp and send it to you. However, you can download the app used at the camp at home (free or pro version).
Other types of camps
Do you also run Code Camps in a private setting?
We are happy to show you the options for a private Code Camp based on the specific needs of the group. Please contact us directly to discuss the specific possibilities.
Are there also camps outside the vacations?
Yes, we also offer Wednesday and Saturday courses at our Maneggplatz campus in Zurich outside the vacations. Our online camps can also be booked according to your own wishes.

...otherwise you can reach us at any time at or in emergencies on +41 44 552 75 75.

© Code Camp Switzerland AG 2023
UID: CHE-226.683.341
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